Tuesday, March 24, 2009

33 weeks prego

So, it has been way to long since I've blogged and now a lot has time has passed. We'll be in our 34th week of pregnancy this week and everything has gone really well. I truly can't believe we are this close. This last weekend was our baby shower down in North Bend. Molly and Corban drove down the coast with me which was a blessing so I would not have to drive alone. I'll be getting pictures soon and post a few. It was a lot of fun and it was great to spend some time with people that i don't see very often.

I'm sitting here watching Biggest Loser and watching my belly do a dance. Speaking of biggest loser... I had one of our kiddo's come up to me the other day and put his hand on my belly. He said, "Mrs. Ahrendt, are you going to join biggest loser?" I didn't really know how to respond except to laugh and tell him that maybe after I have a baby. It was priceless. Later, he told me his mom had joined a gym in the area that has a biggest loser program. He was pretty proud of the fact that she's on the green team.

We had our hospital walk through the other week and the reality of becoming parents soon was pretty overwhelming. We'll be delivering at SW medical center here in Vancouver. It has been a lot of fun setting up Jonathan's room and going through things.

I have been feeling pretty good but being exhausted has become a part of life. I'm very thankful that till now this hasn't been much of a problem and this is my only complaint. I would like to ask for prayer on some decisions we need to make soon. My plan has been to nanny for a family in our church after Jonathan is born but have started to wonder if this is the best plan. It would be 9 hours a day but they are struggling financially and don't know how much they could pay. Staying with the job i have now is still an option but it would mean putting Jonathan in day care at 3 months old.

Dusty has been working as a pharmacy tech up here in Vancouver. It's been awesome for him not to have to drive into Portland every day. It has been a challenging job but things have been going smoother recently. This last weekend he past his National certification!!!! It was a pretty burly test and I'm so proud of him. He has the state test still but he might have to wait till the fall to take the classes and test. We were hoping to have it done before JD was born but I think now that he's past the one test it'll be a bit easier even if it means studying for a big test with a newborn in the house.

Well i better get going. It's time go to bed.

Till later....