Tuesday, January 31, 2006

a morning off that turns into a day off....

I'm just hanging out at home this morning. I don't work till noon so i thought i'd write a bit on here before i really start my day. Looking through pictures i realize how blessed we are with the friends and family that the Lord has given us. And goodness gracious look at that sunset! How amazing is that! It's so easy to go through the day with our negative goggles on and ya maybe will smile a bit but we can always find stuff that we'd like to be different. i don't think life will every be perfect till we head up to Yonder but to be content with the lives we are living. Of course we want to strive to be better people but i think that's different from being a negative looker.
My dad called last night and said that he had a great doctor appointment and that his blood is doing great and there's no sign of cancer in the blood. Ok this rocks that it hasn't moved to the blood but it's easy for me to wonder why he's not healed yet! With the amount of people who've been praying i feel like there should be more significant changes. God's time line is so different then mine but it's still something i struggle with. This whole thing has been an eye opening experience to my own life and how i deal, when hard times come and stay for awhile. My parents have been drawn so close through this whole thing and they had a good relationship before! My mom asked my sister and i awhile back what we wanted to learn from this whole thing. For me the first thing is look at my parents marriage and see how, when conflict comes, that the best place is to rest in the arms of our Father. It's ok to ask God hard questions. But to try to deal with stuff on our own stength, when He's waiting for us with open arms, is truly wearing the stupid hat.


Viking Dusty said...

Nice use of "the stupid hat". Pastor Toby would be proud.

thesticklergirl said...

I'm glad you were able to incorporate "the stupid hat". Lots of people on American Idol should be wearing a "stupid hat"!

Anonymous said...

So, I was skimming your blog, and the words 'stupid hat' made me think you were making fun of my hat in that picture! That's ok, I'd make fun of it too.

Here's a coincidence, I'm wearing that same shirt right now!

Anonymous said...

New blog entry please!

Anonymous said...

I'm still like 5 days more updated than you are!

thesticklergirl said...

I want an update on your dad! His site is not updated enough.. what do you know?

Bex said...

Sorry...I'm a little behind on blog reading...but I read this post and looked at the picture and my heart ached to be there, give you a hug, and enjoy the beauty with my dear friends!! I miss you!