Tuesday, March 07, 2006

mindless ramble

I haven't written anything for awhile but i feel like i should cause that's the cool thing to do. Being that my one obsession in life is to be freakin' cool...there you go. Maybe i should fill out one of those surveys that bring out your deepest secrets and obsessions. Or maybe not.
It rained really hard today when i was working out in Hubbard...it was cool. I saw a rainbow but no hot air balloons.- random comment on the day


Anonymous said...

bethay bethany1!! hi. i will return your call soon. :) I miss you! Guess what. Guess who will be youth supervisor at CBCC this summer?! woo hoo! heelllo beach. i am so thrilled. yep. and for spring break? florida! holy cow crazy. ahh, rainbows. rain! love the pics in the last post :)

thesticklergirl said...

Hey friend.. just thought I should tell you that I love you.

Thanks for being random :)