Sunday, May 14, 2006

Spring time...

I really love this time of year. We have been blessed with a lot of nice weather recently so at work and after work we've been able to get out and enjoy it. During High School it was the time of year for Spring Soccer, Track, Graduations, and getting money raised for summer trips with the youthgroup. I love the green grass and all the flowers in our neighbors garden. I love the anticipation of summer and all the camping trips that are on our calendar. It's great to be outside planting flowers and hear all of the kids at the parks that surround us.

Today i got a bunch of flours planted and corn and squash. Dusty mowed the lawn and used the trimmer today so the yard looks great. So except for the beer bottles and walmart bags that end in the yard, we might actually have a clean cut yard for a few days.

So what is everyones favorite time of year and why?


Anonymous said...

Hey, Bethany! Just wanted to clarify that your link to Peter's Xanga isn't Peter Heatwole; it's another Peter that we know down here. I'm sure he's grateful that you're directing traffic to his site, though. ;-)

Bethany said...

oops..thanks mark!!